Dear Parents/Carers

May I begin by thanking you for your extraordinary efforts and support during this half term. The transfer of our curriculum to remote learning has been largely successful with over 96% of students regularly participating in their live lessons.

Feedback from our student voice surveys shows that the vast majority have coped with the transfer and have benefited from the support given to them by their teachers and teaching assistants.

I hope that students try some of the suggested strategies we have given them to support their mental and physical wellbeing – both today and continually during lockdown and beyond.

As you will be aware, The Government have said that they will review the national data on 22nd February before deciding the next steps in terms of a return to school. They have said that they will give parents and schools two weeks notice of any return.

In effect, this means that our current arrangements will remain in place after half term until at least Friday 5th March.

I will write again as soon as we are given any additional information which enables us to firm up arrangements.

May I wish you all a peaceful, relaxing and enjoyable half-term break.

Many thanks

Stephen Hammond