Dear Parent/Carer
I hope this letter finds you safe and well. As we come to the end of a very challenging year for many of us, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support.
As the Government’s plans to return to a greater level of normality begins later this month, we will be working closely as a Trust and with Public Health England to ensure that any changes we make in September will have our students and staff’s safety at heart. All of our communication will continue on the app and all the letters for your son / daughter can be found on the ‘Parent’ tab and then click on year group and then letters home. We do have to carry out two lateral flow tests just before students return in September and within 5 days of each other. Similar to last year, it will mean a staggered start due to the logistics of this task. We will be in touch in the coming weeks, but we are planning to get Sixth Form and Year 11 completed as best we can before Monday 6th September and start with Years 7 & 10 on the Monday 6th. This would mean Years 8 & 9 would return on Tuesday 7th September. We will confirm this once guidance and plans are completed.
Can I also take this opportunity to say how proud I am of all of our students. The way they have responded to the challenges has been inspirational. It has been a privilege to be their headteacher. Although many of our Year 11 Students will return in September to our Sixth Form, I want to single out Years 13 & 11 students, in particular, for their tenacity and resilience. We look forward to celebrating their success this summer. All of the details for this summer’s results can also be found on our website.
It is also a time we say goodbye to special members of staff. Mrs McHugh has been at EMS for a year and has now secured a full-time position. Mr Hall leaves us after 7 years as an invaluable cog in our Pastoral wheel. Mr McAllister has been with us for 9 years and has been pivotal in some of the most memorable shows and performances the school and college have ever seen. Mr McMahon leaves us after 17 years as our Deputy Headteacher. He has made a huge impact on many families in our town leaving a legacy that will live for a long time to come. Mrs Carr is retiring after 18 years at the School, and we all know that her optimism and cheerfulness is going to be sorely missed. Last, but not least, Mrs Hickey is also retiring after 19 years (I know she doesn’t look old enough!). We will deeply miss her unstinting dedication to the students and the dignified, humble way she serves our school. Good luck and God Bless to them All.
As many of you know I also will be retiring this summer. After 33 years as a teacher and 11 years as a headteacher, I have experienced many changes and challenges. Over the past 6 years I have had some of the most exhilarating times in education whilst at EMS. I do feel however, that now is the right time to hand over the baton to Mrs Crawshaw. Mrs Crawshaw and I have been working closely over recent months and I am incredibly positive about the next chapter of this unique school. Our recent inspection in March 2021 was very positive and I feel the school is now ready to come out of the other side of this extraordinary period changed, yet ready for change, in equal measure.
I would like to leave you with one of my favourite quotes which has provided solace to many people during this pandemic. It comes from a religious book called ‘Revelations of Divine Love’ from 1393. It was the first book ever written and published by an English woman, during the Middle Ages and during a global pandemic;
“ but all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.”
I am confident that all will be well going forward for this wonderful School and the wonderful people of this Town.
Have a peaceful, relaxing and enjoyable break.
Stephen Hammond