Following staff and student nominations for our 2022-23 school charity we have made the decision to support DS43 Community Defibrillators.
The local charity, which started life as a community group after trustee Pamela's son Danny suffered a cardiac arrest and passed away, now raises funds to install and maintain public access defibrillators around Hartlepool. They believe that everyone should always be within 500 meters of a defibrillator to ensure life saving action can be taken. Pamela is also the grandmother of a student in Year 9.
Further trustee's of the charity are Mr and Mrs Cairns, who are parents to former and current students. They were both instrumental in the securing of the defibrillator that is fixed on the front of our sixth form building and Mrs Cairns has previously been into school to deliver CPR and Defibrillator Awareness sessions with some students. Something we hope to get as many students as possible involved in this over the coming months.
DS43 is a fairly new charity, however, they have already raised over £70,000 and installed 34 defibrillators around the town with another 10 ready to be installed soon.
We are sure you'll agree that this is a fabulous charity for us to support this year and we know they can help make a huge difference to our students at English Martyrs.