Dear Parent/Carer,

I have great pleasure in announcing that The English Martyrs Catholic School will be holding a Year 7 and 8 Retreat at The Emmaus Youth Village, 16th– 18th October 2023.

The cost of the trip is £80 which is subsidised and includes: full board accommodation, transport, insurance and entertainment. If your son/daughter receives Pupil Premium assistance, the cost will be £70.

There are 90 places available and will be offered on a first come first served basis. There will be a reserve list.

A place on this trip is dependent upon continued good behaviour and positive attitude.

If you wish your child to be considered, please complete the below form before 4th September –

Should you require any further information please contact Mr M Hutchinson.

Yours sincerely,

Mr M Hutchinson
Pastoral Leader for Year 7