Dear Parent / Carer,
At English Martyrs, we pride ourselves upon high standards and, as part of those high standards, we insist that our students attend school wearing the correct uniform and with the correct equipment. This ensures that students arrive at school ready to learn.
This week, we have worked with students and families to support students with their preparedness to learn and contacted home where issues around uniform and equipment have arisen.
From Monday 11th September, students without the correct uniform, including shoes, the wearing of false eyelashes, nails, jewellery and nose studs, will be given a 24-hour window to rectify the issue. If this does not happen, a student will then attend a lunchtime detention until this issue has been resolved.
Please ensure you have the MCAS app so you can be contacted with all school information, including uniform reminders.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to working in partnership with you throughout the year.
Yours sincerely,
S Crawshaw