Dear Parent/Carer,
I am writing to inform you that Year 11 French students have their GCSE French speaking exam between Wednesday 17th April and Friday 26th April. This exam will form 25% of their overall GCSE grade. Students have been given their individual date and time for their exam and should arrive 5 minutes before their allocated time.
We are keen to offer your child as much support as possible to help them prepare. French teachers are running additional Mastery and drop-in sessions at both lunchtimes and after school and we are also running a revision session during the Easter holidays (all students have been given a letter and consent form regarding this session which will run on Wednesday 3rd April between 10am-12pm).
All students have been given appropriate revision materials (a speaking revision booklet as well as a photocard and role play booklet.) These can be found on TEAMS if a student has misplaced their copy.
We appreciate your support in encouraging your child to revise for this exam.
Please get in touch if you have any queries.
Kind Regards,
Miss L Williamson