Dear parent/carer,

I am excited to invite your child to apply to be part of the Shine programme lead by the University of York.

This programme offers your child the opportunity to visit the campus of the university over the next three years including a residential stay. They will learn about university life, what studying at a university entails, as well as study skills, finance, and independent living. They will get the chance to work with current undergraduates.

This is a fantastic programme provided by one of the top Russell Group universities in the country. It is entirely free of charge, fully funded by the university.

If you would like your child to take part please complete this online form:

The deadline for competition is the 1st November, 2024.

I will pass an information booklet to your child to bring home that explains more about the Shine programme. If you have any further questions, please contact me via email on

Kind regards,
Craig Barnes