Dear Parents/ Carers,

Thank you for all of your support for your child as they work towards GCSE and other level 2 qualifications. Your partnership with school is vital during the next few months and we appreciate all of your care and support. 

In school today, Year 11 have had an assembly outlining the importance of attendance, sharing key dates for Prep exams and final exams and making sure students are aware of the range of in lesson / school and additional support available throughout Year 11.

Today your child has a copy of the Year 11 Prep Exam Timetable to support their revision for this important event. A copy is found here. Support for you, as parents, is available at the evening of 17th October. For details please see here.

Students were also told about how we will celebrate their final year in secondary school. This includes a Year 11 Class of 2025 Liturgy, shirt signing and celebrations to mark the end of their time as a year group. Please note the Exam Contingency Day. Do not book any holidays prior to this day (25th June 2025). This is assigned nationally, as are all exams, by the exam boards and should be taken as the final day of exams.

Included in this letter are key dates that were shared with students. You will also find information on “Passport to the Prom” and how students can be eligible to order their “Class of 2025 Hoodie”. 

To ensure you receive all important messages ensure you have downloaded the MCAS app.

Key Dates 

  • Year 11 Information Evening – Thursday 17th October; 5pm-6pm
  • EMS6 Open Evening – Thursday 7th November; 4-6pm
  • Prep Exams – Monday 11th November-Friday 21st November and Monday 3rd March 2025-Friday 14th March 2025
  • Course Work Deadlines – Shared by departments , no later than Friday 11th April 2025
  • Metro Centre Trip – Friday 6th December 2024 (details to follow)
  • Christmas  Jumper & Christmas Dinner – provisionally Wednesday 18th December 2024
  • Year 11 Meet the Teacher evening – Thursday 9th January 2025
  • GCSE examination window – Friday 9th May – 20th June 2025
  • Class of 2025 Liturgy and Shirt Signing – Friday 23rd May 2025
  • Exam Contingency Day – Wednesday 25th June 2025
  • Prom – Thursday 3rd July 2025
  • GCSE Results Day & EMS6 Enrolment – Thursday 21st August 2025

Passport to Prom 
We hope that all students will join us at Prom. Our 2025 Prom is at Hardwick Hall on Thursday 3rd July and details of the celebration will be shared with students and parents after Christmas.

For students to attend the Prom, students must demonstrate good behaviour during their time in Year 11. We reward good behaviour and students are clear about our expectations. 

Students can use achievement points to buy soft drinks at the Prom and students can be entered into draws to win free Prom tickets as recognition of effort and high standards. 

We appreciate that the Prom is expensive and although students are welcome to wear what they feel comfortable in, there is often some pressure to hire/ buy expensive outfits. We have a small range of preloved formal wear and prom dresses that you are able to loan. Additionally, Prom Alley Prom Dress CIC | Prom Ally | Wales is a charity that can loan Prom outfits. To enquire please speak to Mr Blackwood. 

We will also ensure that Prom tickets are on the payment portal so that you can spread the cost as you see fit.  You will be notified when the payment window is open, via the MCAS app.

In the event of poor behaviour, a student may forfeit their eligibility to attend the Prom. In the event of one suspension or a student being in St Peter’s Inclusion Centre on 2 and/or more occasions (from 1st January to the end of the school year) a student will not be allowed to attend the Prom. Parents will be informed and Prom tickets will not be issued. If a ticket has been purchased, a refund will be granted. 

Many Year 11 choose to order a “Class of 2025 Hoodie” and all students are able to order their hoodies for collection on Wednesday 9th April 2025.

Details about these will be released in due course. When they are distributed, students can wear their hoodie in school. However, please retain your child’s blazer as hoodies are not allowed in the exam hall as they have writing on and breach exam regulations. In order to be able to buy a hoodie, the same behavioural standard as noted for the prom above will apply.

Class of 2025 Liturgy, shirt signing and Year 11 Revision Program
On Friday 23rd May we will celebrate Year 11 with a year group liturgy, and they will experience the traditional “clap off” school site. Students will be invited to sign shirts and there will be an ice-cream van to mark the day. Due to the exam timetable, there is not a common last day for all students, and this Friday before the half term break provides a convenient time to honour this important time for students. We will send details of final arrangements on the app in the new year and details of revision time around exams.

Thank you again for your ongoing support.

Kind Regards

Mrs C Hogarth
Head of School