Dear Parent/Carer, 

I would like to invite you to attend our Year 8 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 5th May 2022, 15:20pm – 18:00pm 

For this event we have an option of online and face-to-face meetings. 

Online bookings can be made from 15:20pm to 16:00pm.

Face-to-face meetings will be in school from 16:00pm to 18:00pm. 

Appointment booking is now open for video slots only and will close on Thursday 5th May, 10am.  There is no requirement to book slots for the face-to-face session.

Please visit  This is the portal to book and attend video appointments.  There is a help guide to the system which can be found here 

This evening will give you an opportunity to speak with staff about individual student progress and strategies that students can use to improve further. If you do want to discuss anything more than time allows on the evening, you can make arrangements for this with individual teachers. 

Finally, just a reminder that our Careers Team are always available to offer advice and guidance. They can be contacted on:  and I will be present on the evening and am always available via email or by calling school 01429 273790 ext 103 

Yours faithfully, 

Mrs Wilson Pastoral Leader for Year 8