Dear Parent/Carer,

I wrote to you earlier in the year to share with you our expectation that all Year 12 students will complete a week’s work experience placement at the end of the summer term.

Many of our students have sourced a placement for the week and we wish them well for what we are sure will be a worthwhile, valuable and interesting experience.

For those students who have not yet sourced a placement, there is still time and we urge them to continue contacting companies. If students are not successful in finding a placement, we will be providing online work experience placements and courses in college that week, 15th July, therefore attendance is expected in college as normal.

Gaining work experience of any sort is an important part of developing students’ employability skills and provides them with the opportunity to explore different professions.

Our 6th form careers adviser Mrs Bev Scaife will be putting together a programme of online courses for each student.

A reminder that all of Year 12 will be attending the UCAS Discovery Event at Teesside University on Wednesday 1st May, 11am – 1.30pm.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
Mrs L. Henderson:
Mrs B. Scaife:

Kind regards,
Mrs L Henderson.
Head of 6th Form.