Dear Parent/Carer,

On Thursday 16th May, 2024 your child is invited to attend the Year 9 Shine Campus visit at the University of York.

The day will give the students an opportunity to learn what it is like to be a student at a top university, meet current undergraduate students, and learn more about higher education. I have attached a pdf of the programme of events for you to view.

Students will need to be at school for 8am in uniform for an 8:15am departure. We should return to school by 3:45pm.

The trip is free of charge. Students will need to bring a pen, a coat or waterproof, and their mobile phone.

Lunch will be provided as well as refreshments throughout the day.

Please complete this permission form with contact details and medical/dietary requirements.

If you have any questions at all please contact me via phone at the school, or by email

Kind regards,
Craig Barnes