Dear parents/ carers of students in Year 9,
As we come to the end of this term and the calendar year, we wanted to share with you what a brilliant start to Year 9 students have made.
Year 9 have shown incredible enthusiasm for learning. They have embraced enrichment and wider opportunities with real commitment. Collectively,
Year 9 have been awarded 19,374 achievement points this term. It makes me immensely proud to know that Year 9 are showing their true potential each day.
29 Year 9 students have attended school every day and 108 students have attended 95% or more of the time this year.
As a year group, they have bought such happiness and success to classrooms and throughout our school community. Every day they demonstrate the school virtues of respect and responsibility, justice and compassion, self-belief and resilience and confidence and honesty.
They have shown great character and determination throughout all aspects of school life. From the sporting field to the Town Hall stage. It has been a privilege to see our students excel in lessons, enrichment and in terms of their academic progress. As we look forward to students selecting their Options next term, we want to ensure all students have opportunities to develop their own interests and skills. We hope their commitment to enrichment continues and students make the most of the opportunities available to them.
I would personally like to thank Mrs Jukes for her hard work and dedication whilst working with the cohort and say what a privilege it has been to lead the year group since she left us. When the students return in January, Mrs Gilbride will be the Pastoral Leader for Year 9. I know she is very much looking forward to this role and working with Year 9.
We are very proud of Year 9, and we wish you all a very happy and holy Christmas.
Yours faithfully,
Mr A Gray – Assistant Headteacher